2021 MD/VA/WV Regional VIRTUAL Conference

Register for this event now at the Eventbrite link!! Tickets range from $15 to $15 depending on whether you’re an AWHONN member or undergraduate student!

Infusing Passion into Perinatal Nursing: That Ah-ha Moment: LaShea Haynes, perinatal nurse and AWHONN leader, will guide participants in recharging their careers in obstetrical nursing. Resources and valuable techniques to make working with childbearing women, newborns, and families more meaningful, particularly during the current pandemic, will be the focus of this presentation. Career options and strategies to pursue alternative careers in obstetrical nursing will also be discussed.

How to Make Your Units Maternal Mental Health Friendly: The Joint Commission (TJC) requires inpatient care facilities to have a written plan and protocol in place for caring for patients identified as a suicide risk. La Shea Haynes, perinatal nurse and AWHONN leader, will discuss the current TJC requirements. She will provide participants with a step-by-step plan involving protocol development, implementation, patient screening, and increasing access to resources to ensure TJC accreditation success.

A New Paradigm for Depression in New Mothers: Dr. Kendall-Tackett is a health psychologist and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant. Her research focus is on a wide array of women’s health topics with a particular focus on breastfeeding, depression, trauma, and health psychology. Her research interests include the psychoneuroimmunology of maternal depression and the lifetime health effects of trauma. Dr. Kendall-Tackett will describe the inflammatory response as a critical part of the stress response. Additionally, this presentation will also show why breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments, such as Omega-3s, cognitive therapy, and antidepressants, protect maternal mental health by lowering inflammation.

FREE event: AWHONN MD CNE Party! Second Stage of Labor EBG Practice Recommendations

As a labor and delivery nurse, you can provide exceptional care to laboring women by incorporating current evidence into your practice. During this webinar, we will cover the AWHONN Nursing Care and Management of the Second Stage of Labor Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline (EBG; 3rd ed.). Included are topics of immediate vs. delayed pushing; special considerations for those in labor with obesity, pelvic organ prolapse, and labor dystocia; positioning; pushing techniques; maternal and fetal safety; uterine activity; COVID-19 concerns; evaluation of labor care.

At the conclusion of the activity, you will be able to:

1) Appraise the evidence about nursing management of second stage labor.

2) Formulate applications for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on Nursing Care and the Management of Second Stage Labor to clinical practice.

To receive a Zoom link for this FREE event, register at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/awhonn-md-cne-party-second-stage-of-labor-ebg-practice-recommendations-tickets-141091336987

**To earn CNE credit for this event you will need to access the CNE module through the AWHONN website (FREE to members, $39.95 for nonmembers). To do so go to awhonn.org -> Education -> Online Continuing Education. Search for “Second Stage” -> Add the CNE to your cart and checkout (Be sure to login if you are a member to checkout for free!) This step can be completed ahead of the meeting time. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Preparing for a Successful Job Interview

This event is geared toward soon-to-graduate nursing student and experienced nurses conducting a job search. Members of our AWHONN Maryland leadership team will lead breakout rooms where we will conduct mock interviews to help you prepare for your upcoming job interviews! We will also take time at the beginning of the session to review example resumes for both nursing students and experienced nurses.

Eventbrite registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/awhonn-maryland-section-31328002617

Caring for Childbearing Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday, November 16th at 8pm:

(**please note date change-previous date of Nov 19th was incorrect)

Caring for Childbearing Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Join us to discuss caring for COVID-19 positive patients during labor and delivery. We will also be sharing some insights from the patient perspective. In the final 30 minutes of the meeting we will host breakout rooms so that small groups can share experiences of nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This event is FREE for members and $10 for nonmembers. Please register at Eventbrite here to receive the Zoom link.


Journey to Perinatal Nursing

This event will feature a panel of nurses from a variety of perinatal specialties (L&D, postpartum, NICU, midwifery, neonatal nurse practitioner, women’s health nurse practitioner) to describe the path to each specialty area including required education. The event is geared toward nursing students and also experienced nurses who are considering going back to school and/or switching specialty areas.

Register for the FREE event, hosted via Zoom, through Eventbrite here.


Journal Club Kickoff-A Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week!

To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week I’ll be hosting the kickoff of our monthly journal club! We’ll select an article each month, possibly paired with a clinical guideline to review and discuss. This month we’ll be meeting by Zoom on Thursday 8/6 from 7-8pm. See login info below.
If you are an AWHONN member you have FREE ACCESS to JOGNN and NWH. You can access the editorial and research article we’ll discuss this week through the JOGNN website:
  1. Using the Coronavirus Pandemic as an Opportunity to Address the Use of Human Milk and Breastfeeding as Lifesaving Medical Interventions, Spatz, April 2020 https://www.jognn.org/article/S0884-2175(20)30042-3/fulltext#.XynN5l_FoRo.email
  2. Effects of Delayed Newborn Bathing on Breastfeeding, Hypothermia, and Hypoglycemia, Warren et al., March 2020 https://www.jognn.org/article/S0884-2175(20)30001-0/fulltext
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Passcode: 060924
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FREE MD Section Event: Spinning Babies!

Spinning Babies with Rhea Williams

Spinning Babies® is a paradigm, an approach. We teach physiological release rather than a mechanical manipulation or force. The assumption that birth is a passenger powering through a pelvis (The old 3Ps paradigm) reduces creative, body-centered options for parent or provider alike. The release of the baby can be as natural as the release of hormones. Self-care and specific body activities restore body balance and make room for the baby. Babies can put themselves into the best positions possible for childbirth. Spinning Babies® offers a third solution to the extremes in childbirth today. Management with technology or patience with nature serve some but not all who are looking for easier childbirth. Ideology rarely offers truly empowering experiences in life, including childbirth. This approach includes a comprehensive plan for pregnancy preparation and labor activities to ease birth. Spinning Babies® can be used with any childbirth method or none at all. Spinning Babies approach is good in any childbirth setting, home, hospital and independent birth center. Please Join Rhea Williams MSN CNM, Approved Trainer, Thursday September 10, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. EST as she provides a one hour overview on the Spinning Babies® paradigm. (note this is not a full workshop).

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94032025050?pwd=N2pSSjduSVVzNzZ4b2FYNXhLMGsvZz09

Meeting ID: 940 3202 5050

Passcode: 709681

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Maryland Section Meeting

Introduction to AWHONN Hub and Networking Event


In the first half of the meeting, Carmen McCormick, AWHONN’s Senior Manager of Section and Chapter Development, will review the AWHONN Hub so that we can learn how to use this powerful networking tool. During the second half, we will do some virtual socializing and networking! Current AWHONN members and prospective members are welcome!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 6857 8177
Password: 729544
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
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Meeting ID: 979 6857 8177
Password: 729544
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aR3E2vJg7

AWHONN Maryland Section-Wide Meeting

Mark your calendars!! Please join us on Thursday 6/25 from 6-7pm via Zoom for a Statewide AWHONN Maryland Section Meeting! This will be an opportunity to meet your chapter coordinators, hear about our plans for the remainder of the year, and share suggestions for events/activities you’d like to see from the AWHONN Maryland Section. RSVP here or by emailing [email protected]. When you RSVP please let us know which of the following sections you believe you belong to (this can be either where you live or work

Maryland Section Chapters:

Anne Arundel County
Eastern Shore
Frederick County
Montgomery County
North Baltimore Area
Prince George’s County
South Baltimore Area
Southern Maryland
Western Maryland

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 978 6214 1823
Password: 730177
One tap mobile
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