APRIL 16 & 17


Maryland Section Conference 2023

D.C. Diaper Bank Diaper Drive

January 1, 2021-December 31, 2021

Did you know diaper need affects 1 in 3 families throughout the United States? Diaper need results in skin breakdown, infection, hospital stays delayed development, as well as mental health issues for the children and parents involved.

AWHONN MD is hosting our inaugural diaper drive to benefit the families served by DC Diaper Bank. This year, diaper need is at an all-time high due to the pandemic, lost jobs, and financial strain. We are so happy to host our virtual diaper drive to continue helping the families we serve as nurses and as a community. Will you help us meet our goal of raising $1,000 in 2021? Please donate at this link:

* Recordings for some meetings can be accessed by AWHONN members on the AWHONN Hub. If you have difficulty accessing the recordings please contact [email protected]

AWHONN MD CNE Party: Cesarean Birth Complications – Prevention, Early Detection, and Management

Thursday, September 9th from 7:00-8:30pm

As nurses and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), you specialize in maternal and newborn health. This webinar will justify assessments and interventions for complications of hemorrhage, surgical site infection and venous thromboembolism following cesarean delivery. Knowledge about prevention and early recognition of complications associated with cesarean birth can provide you with necessary evidence to develop and implement successful practice protocols for the benefit of patients and staff alike. This event was led by our Eastern Shore Chapter Coordinator, Jaimi Hall. The CNE activity can be accessed on

5K Run / Walk in Support AWHONN’s  Every Women, Every Baby

Saturday, April 8th 10am

  • On Saturday, 5/8 AWHONN Maryland Section members walked to support Every Woman, Every Baby. Contributions to EWEB support lifelong learning for nurses, research that leads to improving nursing practice and patient care, and education and activities that provide information and resources for women and their families.

2021 MD/VA/WV Regional VIRTUAL Conference!

Saturday, April 17th from 1:00-5:00pm

Register for this event now at the Eventbrite link!! Tickets range from $15 to $35 depending on whether you’re an AWHONN member or undergraduate student!

Infusing Passion into Perinatal Nursing: That Ah-ha Moment: LaShea Haynes, perinatal nurse and AWHONN leader, will guide participants in recharging their careers in obstetrical nursing. Resources and valuable techniques to make working with childbearing women, newborns, and families more meaningful, particularly during the current pandemic, will be the focus of this presentation. Career options and strategies to pursue alternative careers in obstetrical nursing will also be discussed.

How to Make Your Units Maternal Mental Health Friendly: The Joint Commission (TJC) requires inpatient care facilities to have a written plan and protocol in place for caring for patients identified as a suicide risk. La Shea Haynes, perinatal nurse and AWHONN leader, will discuss the current TJC requirements. She will provide participants with a step-by-step plan involving protocol development, implementation, patient screening, and increasing access to resources to ensure TJC accreditation success.

A New Paradigm for Depression in New Mothers: Dr. Kendall-Tackett is a health psychologist and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant. Her research focus is on a wide array of women’s health topics with a particular focus on breastfeeding, depression, trauma, and health psychology. Her research interests include the psychoneuroimmunology of maternal depression and the lifetime health effects of trauma. Dr. Kendall-Tackett will describe the inflammatory response as a critical part of the stress response. Additionally, this presentation will also show why breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments, such as Omega-3s, cognitive therapy, and antidepressants, protect maternal mental health by lowering inflammation.

AWHONN MD CNE Party: Second Stage of Labor EBG Practice Recommendations

Tuesday, March 16th from 7:00-8:30pm

As a labor and delivery nurse, you can provide exceptional care to laboring women by incorporating current evidence into your practice. During this webinar, we covered the AWHONN Nursing Care and Management of the Second Stage of Labor Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline (EBG; 3rd ed.). Included were topics of immediate vs. delayed pushing; special considerations for those in labor with obesity, pelvic organ prolapse, and labor dystocia; positioning; pushing techniques; maternal and fetal safety; uterine activity; COVID-19 concerns; evaluation of labor care. This event was led by our Eastern Shore Chapter Coordinator, Jaimi Hall. The CNE activity can be accessed on

Section-wide meeting: Tuesday, 2/3/2021 at 6:00 pm, Section-wide meeting: Preparing for a Successful Job Interview

This event was geared toward soon-to-graduate nursing student and experienced nurses conducting a job search. Members of our AWHONN Maryland leadership team led breakout rooms where we conducted mock interviews to help students and nurses prepare for upcoming job interviews! We will also spent time at the beginning of the session to review example resumes with tips about “dos and don’ts”.

Section-wide meeting: 11/16/20 at 8pm, Caring for Childbearing Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors Dr. Adriane Burgess and Dr. Rachel Breman of a recently published study, “Pregnant Women’s Reports of the Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnancy, Prenatal Care, and Infant Feeding Plans” published in Maternal Child Nursing shared their findings. We also heard from a maternity care nurse about her experience of caring for COVID + childbearing patients since the onset of the pandemic.

Section-wide meeting: 10/21/20 at 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Journey to Perinatal Nursing

This event featured a panel of nurses from a variety of perinatal specialties (L&D, postpartum, NICU, Midwifery, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner) who described the path to each specialty area including required education. The event was geared toward nursing students and also experienced nurses who were considering going back to school and/or switching specialty areas. There was also be an opportunity to win one of these brand-new perinatal textbooks in a raffle!

Section-wide meeting: 9/10/20 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Spinning Babies

Rhea Williams gave an overview of Spinning Babies®, a paradigm focused on physiological release to facilitate labor and birth. This meeting was not recorded. To learn more about signing up for a full workshop please visit

Section-wide meeting: 8/11/20 11:00am-12:00pm, Maryland Health Innovation Program

The Montgomery County Chapter hosted a virtual meeting where leaders from MDMom shared about the Maryland Maternal Health Innovation Program, which seeks to improve maternal health across the state of Maryland. Watch the recording posted on the AWHONN Hub to see how you can get involved in MDMom. Additional information about the program can be found here:

Section-wide meeting: 7/23/20 4:30-5:30pm, AWHONN Hub Overview and Networking Event


In the first half of the meeting, Carmen McCormick, AWHONN’s Senior Manager of Section and Chapter Development, reviewed the AWHONN Hub, a powerful way to network with other AWHONN members. During the second half, we did some virtual socializing and networking!