AWHONN Maryland Section-Wide Meeting
Mark your calendars!! Please join us on Thursday 6/25 from 6-7pm via Zoom for a Statewide AWHONN Maryland Section Meeting! This will be an opportunity to meet your chapter coordinators, hear about our plans for the remainder of the year, and share suggestions for events/activities you’d like to see from the AWHONN Maryland Section. RSVP here or by emailing [email protected]. When you RSVP please let us know which of the following sections you believe you belong to (this can be either where you live or work
Maryland Section Chapters:
Anne Arundel County
Eastern Shore
Frederick County
Montgomery County
North Baltimore Area
Prince George’s County
South Baltimore Area
Southern Maryland
Western Maryland
Zoom Info:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 978 6214 1823
Password: 730177
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+13017158592,,97862141823#,,1#,730177# US (Germantown)
+16468769923,,97862141823#,,1#,730177# US (New York)
Password: 730177
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,97862141823#,,1#,730177# US (Germantown)
+16468769923,,97862141823#,,1#,730177# US (New York)